Built to Scale - I interpreted the theme as you build something to scale a tower full of obstacles. Think "Getting Over It" mixed with "Fantastic Contraptions".

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PLAY ON A MOBILE PHONE OR TABLET! This game needs a keyboard and mouse, and a fairly big screen too. Definitely play it in FULLSCREEN mode if you can.

Things to do!

  • Try to get to the top of The Tower.
  • Load each of the included examples. Some of them can get to the top.
  • Keys are entirely configurable, but WASD is what I tend to assign to the various elements. You can explore and reassign them by clicking parts - an inspector opens above the parts list on the left.
  • Try to modify one of the included examples.
  • Explore all the parts.
  • Try all three environments.
  • Mourn over the loss of the share/browse features.
  • Laugh at the lack of polish/sound/music.

You can make some very intesting things with the editor. Sadly there's no tutorial. I might make a video showing some of it, but equally likely I might not.


Well that was a bit intense. I think I was way too ambitious in my initial concept, and while I had intended to do the jam in the original 2 days, in the end I did all four. I know Mark's intentions were that nobody had to crunch, but that's just not what devs will do with extra time!

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